Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ava's 3rd birthday party!

We had fun celebrating our third birthday!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Daddy's home ; )

I can relate to friends who have a spouse that travel for a living, whether it's military or for business. I've come to the conclusion that it's really difficult no matter how strong your character.
My husband has left for a few weeks to California before, and while our life has been interrupted, it has not changed our family dynamics for the short period he's gone. I cannot complain about the stormy feelings of resentment, love & regret for his business travels like some of my friends have to struggle with. I truly miss my partner and friend while he is gone. While life goes on and our children grow, I feel we all do not collaborate as well while he is away. I cannot pretend life would be better without my partner in crime. So tonight I am grateful my husband is home and does not have to leave again soon.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Time Management

Waffles are great to eat on mornings you have extra time to wash properly after eating. This was not the case as we scrambled out the door this morning to get Ava to school at eight thirty while juggling a baby,a cup of coffee, a gym bag and a horse flashlight (for car monsters of course). It takes a half hour to drive there and another five minutes to get in the door, waffles make a slow and sticky choice for breakfast. However, at the ripe age of three waking up to get ready for school time management is not your top priority. Waffles are an excellent choice for breakfast, with extra syrup and eaten slowly. I went about the rest of my day slightly late to the gym, grocery and finishing the rest of my errands before I picked up Ava at school for lunch. When I asked her what she'd like to eat for lunch, she replied, "waffles". I guess at three you don't have to manage time or care what a sticky mess waffles are. That's what mommies are for.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My first blog

Fall has arrived bringing cooler weather, football, and changing leaves. With this new season I've decided to try and blog to keep our family & friends up to date on the McDonald family current events.
We had a wonderful summer with our new addition Elle Adeline McDonald on May 10,2008. She has been a super happy and fun loving baby (thank god!). Elle loves to smile, coo, and get tickles. She has a really funny giggle when you tickle her under her chin. Ava is also loving being a big sister and tries to help in any way she can. We try and load her up with tasks she's allowed to help with (getting new diapers and finding baby wipes). She is eager to help in any way she can.
Ava also recently celebrated her big third birthday, yeah! She had a blast celebrating with everyone. And boy, did she get lots of new toys! Thanks to the grandparents she has a new scooter, "plasma car" & leap frog reading book. That was before her actual party with her friends! At her party she ate a Dora cake, opened a pinata, ate way too much candy and played with her best friends. As she put it, "that was great". According to Ava, she still has some growing to do before she is older ; ).

We went on a few trips to Florida to visit family and have some R& R ourselves. It was busy to say the least, but a very nice to spend time with everyone. Now that summer is officially over we are looking forward to some family trips with the girls to camp and hike. Jason is super excited that the Jaguars have won a game finally, and Ava was there to cheer them on. I am just happy to have fall here and hopefully look forward to cooler days.