Saturday, January 17, 2009

Update 2009

We made it to a New Year and I have once again fallen into routine (again) of doing nothing with our blog site. Life is full! Now that we have made it through Christmas and on to 2009 all healthy and happy, I am attempting to write another blog update.
Let's see. To start off Ava and Elle are doing great. Ava is now embracing being a three year old (especially the defiant and independent part). Other than taming her at times she is really a wonderful big sister. She has fun dressing up, playing make believe, and she loves creating art work. She attends "school" at the YMCA three days a week where they have some school activities as well as gymnastics, yoga and arts & crafts. It is truly a relief to be able to leave her on the days when I need to run errands or have some down time. Speaking of down time which Elle leaves me very little, she is a very busy eight month old. Last night she stood up and let go of the ottoman that was supporting her. I am sure I will be running to keep up with her in no time. Some other skills she has been working on are eating real foods (hence the spaghetti pic), babbling and waving "bye".
As for Jason he's kept busy with his job which we are thankful he still has in this recession. He also keeps busy with the never ending pergola project. The materials have been here for months and the last of the tiles have arrived , yet it is a matter of scheduling time to dig & construct. I am hoping by the spring it will all be ready to enjoy!
I really am conflicted about warmer weather. Though I would love to see my yard again for some gardening time, I also really want to have winter here for a bit longer. As I write we are awaiting snow, though I have my doubts, I am hopeful. I've not seen snow since my days in Chicago.